Business is good. I know I am striking a chord with my clients -- selling many colors and in smaller pieces is something they have longed for, as I have. It feels so good knowing that I have so many people who are happy to come to my site and love what they see. I don't have to talk anybody into buying something, as I have had to do in the past with other ventures. I have a product now that absolutely sells itself. I try to maintain a very high standard in how I dye the wool, how well it is fulled, how consistent the colors are, how well I answer questions, and how quickly I ship. Nobody's perfect, but I try to come close! I am in the process now of fine tuning graphics to make sure they match the actual wool as closely as possible. Most colors are in good shape, but I will keep at it until I can sit back and say, "There is nothing left to change".
My financial drought is coming to an end, so that means I can finish making capital investments into my little business, including a good supply of wool and dyes, and some equipment that I need for the next steps this year.
Dog Collars